Saving and Displaying Bookmark Decay’s Decay Rate

The Journey So Far I’m building a web app/Chrome extension pair that allows your bookmarks to “decay” (grow old and disappear) over time; the intention is to encourage you to actually read those tabs you have open as opposed to letting them linger until your browser crashes. The app is built, data displayed, bookmarks properly styled with decaying animations, so now I’m adding additional data interaction and the ability to set the decay rate.
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Styling Decaying Bookmarks with Tailwind

The Journey So Far I’m building a web app/Chrome extension pair that allows your bookmarks to “decay” (grow old and disappear) over time; the intention is to encourage you to actually read those tabs you have open as opposed to letting them linger until your browser crashes. The basic core of the webapp is done (data fetched and displayed, simply), so now it’s time to apply some styles to visually identify decaying bookmarks.
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Building the Bookmark Decay Webapp

The Journey So Far I’m building a web app/Chrome extension pair that allows your bookmarks to “decay” (grow old and disappear) over time; the intention is to encourage you to actually read those tabs you have open as opposed to letting them linger until your browser crashes. Now that I’ve completed the MVP for the extension, it’s time to work on the web app! Missed another part of this project series?
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Data Storage & Retrieval Troubles with Bookmark Decay

The Journey So Far I’m building a web app/Chrome extension pair that allows your bookmarks to “decay” (grow old and disappear) over time; the intention is to encourage you to actually read those tabs you have open as opposed to letting them linger until your browser crashes. Now that I’ve completed the MVP for the extension, it’s time to work on the web app! Missed another part of this project series?
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Developing a Chrome Extension for Bookmark Decay

The Journey So Far I’m building a web app/chrome extension pair that allows your bookmarks to “decay” (grow old and disappear) over time; the intention is to encourage you to actually read those tabs you have open as opposed to letting them linger until your browser crashes.1 The first step I’m taking on this project is creating a Chrome Extension to easily bookmark pages and save that data locally. Missed another part of this project series?
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